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Speech & Language

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I work with children from 4 to 12 years who are experiencing challenges with communication. Whether your

child is ready for direct support during the emergent language years or needs therapy to address speech errors, I work with each child to develop the skills and confidence for effective communication.

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Evaluations & Screenings

We will begin with a phone conversation about your child and proceed with a screening or evaluation as appropriate.


The evaluation includes:

  • gathering developmental and educational information

  • reviewing teacher observation reports 

  • observation of your child engaged in an activity

  • direct interaction with your child along with informal testing

  • standardized assessments 


Following the evaluation, we will review the results together, and when therapy is recommended, we will collaboratively develop your child's therapy plan. I also provide you with a written report and can share my findings with other members of your child's team upon request. 


Why is standardized testing important?

Diagnostic and standardized testing uses the science behind speech and language development and compares your child’s skills to peers across a large national sample. The testing tells me where the challenges are originating and gives me a baseline to measure progress.

Speech & Language Therapy

Individualized speech and language therapy combines evidence-based approaches with interactive and fun activities to engage your child in learning. During our sessions, I work to find a challenging level where a child is able to experience success while actively learning. I focus on building self-confidence and developing a mindset that they can do hard things. 


As a mom and a therapist, I understand that a parent needs to be comfortable leaving their child with someone. Every child is different, and so is their comfort level leaving their parents. We will work together to create the best environment for your child's learning while also building independence and confidence. 


I provide homework every time I see your child. Home practice helps your child transfer their newly acquired skills into their daily life. Every client receives a notebook and a tote to carry their speech therapy items. You will find them full of homework with correlating books and games I loan to students. Most children love playing a new game and teaching it to their families. 

Personalized Therapy for Speech & Language Skills

Late Talkers & Early Intervention  •  Articulation Disorders  •  Phonological Delays & Disorders
Expressive Language Delays & Disorders  •  Pragmatic Disorders  •  Executive Function Skills Deficits

Increasing spontaneous communication
Expanding vocabulary & phrase length
Increasing overall speech intelligibility
Producing age-appropriate sounds & sound combinations
Asking & answering questions
Following directions
Listening skills & comprehension of spoken language
Grammar & sentence structure
Understanding non-verbal communication & figurative language
Engaging in conversation
Organizational skills & time management
Attention, recall, & memory skills
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Currently accepting new clients. Services are offered in-person in East Wichita, KS.

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